We had such a great weekend!  The weather was beautiful, Tia was feeling well and staying on top of all of her medications.  She was able to go outside and get some fresh air.  It really almost felt like things were getting back to normal.  On Sunday night she started to not feel well with body aches all over and a low grade fever.   By Monday morning we had to cancel our plans for visitors and teachers for the day.  The body aches continued and the misery worsened, Tia was not feeling well at all.  On Tuesday morning she spike a fever and had pains in her abdomen under her rib cage.  After a call to her Cardiologist we packed up and headed to Children's for a workup.  Her x-rays show the same issue in her lung that we have been fighting for 2 weeks.  Her bloodwork showed a confusing picture with a normal white blood cell count, but indicators of inflammation.   Tia's Pulmonologist decided to have her admitted to do some additional testing and therapy.  Poor Tia had to endure 4 pokes to find a place for the IV.  The nurses and the IV team were very kind and sympathetic toward her.  There is a device called a 'J Tip' that uses pressure (no needles) to inject lidocaine (a numbing medicine) to the site where the IV will be placed.  When the pressure is released it sounds like a soda can opening.  After 3 tries and 2 hours (total with breaks) with the J Tip, we decided to go without it.  Tia was a champ and in 15 seconds the IV was placed.  She was able to get an hour break before her next respiratory treatments.  Finally, at 3:00AM Princess Tia was able to go to sleep!

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